info--Get information about the client and server

Return information about available protocols on the client or server. Also list the current cvsignore and cvswrappers settings.

Without any parameters this lists available protocols:

$ cvs info
Available protocols:

local               (internal)
ext                 ext
fork                fork 
gserver             gserver (Active Directory)
ntserver            ntserver
pserver             pserver
server              server
ssh                 ssh
sspi                sspi

For information about an individual protocol specify the prototocol name on the command line.

$ cvs info pserver
Name:               pserver
Version:            pserver (Debug)
Syntax:             :pserver[;keyword=value...]:[username[:password]@]host[:port][:]/path
  Username:         Optional
  Password:         Optional
  Hostname:         Required
  Port:             Optional
Client:             Yes
Server:             Yes
Login:              Yes
Encryption:         No
Impersonation:      CVS Builtin

Keywords available:

username            Username (alias: user)
password            Password (alias: pass)
hostname            Hostname (alias: host)
port                Port
proxy               Proxy server
proxyport           Proxy server port (alias: proxy_port)
tunnel              Proxy protocol (aliases: proxyprotocol,proxy_protocol)
proxyuser           Proxy user (alias: proxy_user)
proxypassword       Proxy passsord (alias: proxy_password)

The format is designed to be easily parsed by frontends. Its layout does not change between cvs versions, however lines may be added or deleted from the output.

Specifying cvswrappers or cvsignore dumps out the internal state of these files. It is possible to have duplicates, as the list is built up of both the client and server contents. When parsed however the client always takes precedence over the server setting.

info options


Return client-side information. Returns all protocols available to the client


Return server-side information. Returns protocols that a client can use to communicate with the server. This does not include local or external protocols.


(Where supported) list available cvsnt servers on the local network. This currently requires mdns support on the client.

-r server

Find out as much as possible about a remote cvsnt server. For this command to succeed the remote server must support the cvsnt enumeration protocol.

$ cvs info -r
Server: CVSNT Public Repository
Version: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.5.01 (Travis) Build 2010


  /usr/local/cvs                CVSNT Main repository

Anonymous username: cvs
Anonymous protocol: pserver
Default repository: /usr/local/cvs

Anonymous login:
Recommended login:

The layout will remain the same as much as possible in future revisions to facilitate automatic parsing. Parsers should ignore elements that they do not understand.