release--Indicate that a Module is no longer in use

This command is meant to safely cancel the effect of cvs checkout. Since cvsnt doesn't lock files, it isn't strictly necessary to use this command. You can always simply delete your working directory, if you like; but you risk losing changes you may have forgotten, and you leave no trace in the cvsnt history file (the section called “The history file”) that you've abandoned your checkout.

Use cvs release to avoid these problems. This command checks that no uncommitted changes are present; that you are executing it from immediately above a cvsnt working directory; and that the repository recorded for your files is the same as the repository defined in the module database.

If all these conditions are true, cvs release leaves a record of its execution (attesting to your intentionally abandoning your checkout) in the cvsnt history log.

release options

The release command supports the following command options:


Delete your working copy of the file if the release succeeds. If this flag is not given your files will remain in your working directory.


Must be specified with -f, above. Force the the deletion of the directory even if non-cvs files are present.


Don't delete any files, just delete the cvsnt administrative directories. The directory is then left in a state as if it had just been exported.


Automatically assume 'yes' to any confirmation prompts.

release output

Before release releases your sources it will print a one-line message if any file that is not up-to-date.

release examples

Release the tc directory, and delete your local working copy of the files.

$ cd ..         # You must stand immediately above the
                # sources when you issue cvs release.
$ cvs release -d tc
You have [5] altered files in this repository.
Are you sure you want to release (and delete) directory `tc': y