[cvsnt-dev] Re: Suggestion for CVS edit

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Wed Jun 30 00:45:16 BST 2004

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Julian Brierley wrote:

> There is one call to notify_do where I was unable to supply the val 
> parameter - the one from RCS_unlock. I could not see in what 
> circumstances a clear of an edit would be required from this call - can 
> you enlighten me?

I'd be surprised if RCS_unlock needed to undo an edit.. IIRC it's what used to 
be called with the old admin -l and admin -u commands to do lowlevel locking.

I think commit still locks revisions too (unnecessary now that lockserver does 
it but I haven't removed all the references).

I think if RCS_unlock is calling notify_do then it's an error as it's a 
lowlevel function not a CVS editing function...  I'll look at it when I get 
chance and may remove that call.

> Several other functions needed to be aware of the new branchtag. 
> fileattr_modify had to be made case insensitive because of the pathname 
> in the attribute key - this change might be undesirable in other cases?

Use fncmp, fnncmp, findnode_fn, pathcmp, pathncmo, etc. they handle case 
sensitivity automatically according to the platform.

> What sort of fileattr format did you have in mind?
Something that splits up the files in an extensible way.  Maybe even XML, if 
the parsing complexity can be worked around...

<file name="foo.c">
   <editor name="tmh" type="exclusive" branch="branch1" 
watch="edit,unedit,commit" />

I could even move the ACL information into it (and get per-file ACLs) if it's 
generic enough...

<file name="foo.c">
   <acl branch="default" user="fred" type="read,write,tag,control,add,delete" />
   <acl branch="branch1" user="joe" type="read,write,tag,control,add,delete" />
   <acl branch="branch1" user="*" type="none" message="This branch is locked 
down for code freeze.  See joe." />
   <editor name="tmh" type="exclusive" branch="branch2" 
watch="edit,unedit,commit" />

etc.  Depends on how complex you want to make it really... I'll probably do 
something like it myself one day as both ACLs and Editors need an overhaul.


Te audire no possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.

Tony Hoyle <tmh at nodomain.org>  Key ID: 104D/4F4B6917 2003-09-13
Fingerprint: 063C AFB4 3026 F724 0AA2  02B8 E547 470E 4F4B 6917

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