[Cvsnt] ntserver and aliasses

jml at nykredit.dk jml at nykredit.dk
Fri Jan 18 10:32:29 GMT 2002

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I am using cvsnt with the ntserver access method and would like to have
some kind of alias (a logical name like "ourcvs") for the ntserver-machine.
All NT-servers in my company are named from a naming scheme as NKM18xxx
where xxx is a unique number. This is the machines IP-alias as well. I can
make a new IP-alias, and this works fine if I use the pserver access method
(ie. :pserver:me at ourcvs:d:/source).
But if I try with ntserver (:ntserver:ourcvs:d:/source) I get an error
message "Error connecting to server on \\ourcvs...."

I guess this is because the ntserver access method is not using tcp/ip but
somthing like smb?

However - is there some way to make an alias as I want to? Or am i stuck
with the NT-machne-id?

My reason for wanting this is that having an alias makes it possible to
move cvs around, without having all developers change the cvsroot
definition i WinCvs or whatever they are using, plus they have to release
their projects and do a new checkout.


Jørgen Møller Larsen, KMF
Nykredit Data
email: jml at nykredit.dk
Tlf. direkte 96 35 50 69

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