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I like that script--I haven't seen the tokenizing in NT scripts like that before. Here's my script for doing backups. Our machine gets the entire machine backed up regularly, so I just make sure there is a clean copy available for the backup to pick up. Some people add a "KILL cvs.exe" to theirs for good measure in case there is a hung process, I haven't yet but haven't had a problem that I'm aware of. However, mine does prune and recreate the CVS TEMP directory. I suppose the next step for this script would be to redirect the output to a file and email to an admin if there was a problem. >>>>>>>> @echo off echo Backup CVS repositories echo. echo Stopping service NET STOP CVS d: cd \cvs echo Empty TEMP rem Reset temp rmdir /s /q temp > nul md temp > nul echo Y| cacls temp /T /P CVSAdmins:F System:F CVSUsers:F Administrators:F echo Removing very old backup CD backup RD /S/Q old echo Move old backup REN current old MD current echo Backing up each repository... CD ..\repositories FOR /D %%F IN (*) DO c:\utils\zip -rq ..\backup\current\ %%F\*.* CD .. NET START CVS <<<<<<<<<< Glen Starrett -----Original Message----- From: cvsnt-bounces at [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at]On Behalf Of Dave Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2003 12:42 PM To: cvsnt at cvsnt downloads at @CVSNT on Twitter CVSNT on Facebook Subject: Re: [cvsnt] repos back up I don't know admin from Adam, but I've taken it upon myself to backup our repository here. Here is what I do/I've done: 1) wrote a batch file that stops the cvsnt service, copies the repository, restarts the service, then renames the backup. It could also copy it to networked storage, but it currently doesn't. 2) set a scheduled task that runs the batch file every weeknight at 10pm. See Start->Programs->Accessories->System Tools->Scheduled Tasks. 3) every week, I zip the backups and burn to CD-R. 4) that's it. Here is the batch file (cvsbackup.bat): FOR /F "TOKENS=2-4 DELIMS=/ " %%F IN ('DATE /T') DO (SET MYDATE=%%F-%%G-%%H) net stop cvs xcopy "D:\Data Files\CVS\cvsrepo" "D:\Data Files\CVS\cvsbackup" /Q /S /C /H /R /O /Y /I net start cvs ren "cvsbackup" "cvsbackup %MYDATE%" Line 1 creates an environment variable that is the current date punctuated with hyphens. Line 2 stops the service so no one commits while it's backing up. Line 3 copies the repository to a backup directory with all the correct ownerships, protections, etc. Line 4 restarts the service. Line 5 renames the backup repository to include the date in its name. That's it. Good luck. -- Dave "stirkus ersu venete" "Zaid, Mahmoud" <Zaidm at> wrote in message news:mailman.94.1053009239.22761.cvsnt at > Greetings to all, > I am assigned the cvs admin role for the first time so please I need some > help in understanding the admin role. I don't seem to find any online or > hard copy as a reference for cvs admin! some documents here and there. I > guess the first part as an admin I need to back up the repository. Can > someone kindly layout the steps to do that? > Thank you for your help in advance. > > Regards, > Mahmoud Zaid > 703 761-4033 x232 > _______________________________________________ cvsnt mailing list cvsnt at cvsnt downloads at @CVSNT on Twitter CVSNT on Facebook