[cvsnt] Re: Performance problemsnitzans

Glen Starrett grstarrett at cox.net
Sun Dec 26 05:52:17 GMT 2004

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Nitzan Shaked wrote:
> (Apologies if this is not the right place to ask -- I cannot seem to
> find a CVSNT mailing list).

This is it.  You found the NNTP mirror of the mailing list.

> It's taking *forever* to do an update on the whole repository. When
> I say "forever" I mean it takes ~5-7 minutes for the client to start
> printing anything (those lines beginning with "? file1.o" and "?
> file2.o" etc), and then some 10-15 minutes to go over the whole
> repository.

Some possible reasons for your problems:
--Do the users have permissions to update the "val-tags" file in the 
--How much memory on your server?
--Is reverse DNS broken?
--Is there Anti-Virus software running on the server that is real-time 
scanning the CVS repository and/or CVS temp directories?

> Are those times normal? What can be done to increase the speed --
> the situation as it is now is driving my 30 developers crazy.


Glen Starrett

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