[cvsnt] Re: repository copy

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Tue May 11 15:49:46 BST 2004

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On Tue, 11 May 2004 23:44:00 +0900, "wanghui" <k-ou at ns.cnt.jp.nec.com>

>dear all:
>       I am confuse how to backup the repository. I need your help.
>      repository A d:/test1/cvsroot
>      i want to creat new repository B(d:/test2/cvsroot), which is the same
>as repository .
>      so I just simplely copy both the folder of cvsroot and the folder
>under cvs control to
>      d:/test2 ,then add d:/test2 as new repository. The repository B is
>worked. But i worry
>     about  this  rude method has bad effect?  Is there best mothed?
That's the way most people do it (IMO it's one of the nice things
about CVS that it can be backed up in this way).


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