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Hi! As a newbie who recently installed CVSNT, I tried to set up the loginfo file to automatically keep a local copy up to date (i.e. a website run on a local IIS installation). The line in my loginfo is the following: ^TestVBScript (e:\CVS\asp\CVSROOT\scripts\cvsupdate.bat TestVBScript E:\inetpub\wwwroot) > E:\CVS\asp\CVSROOT\logs\cvsupdate.log (according to The triggered batch file looks like that: REM %1 is the project REM %2 is the webroot folder sleep 2 cd %2\%1 cvs -q update -d > e:\cvs\asp\cvsroot\logs\tobi.log Actually, Eclipse CVS hangs on a commit, in E:\CVS\asp\TestVBScript, there are two things created, a folder named #cvs.lock and a file named #cvs.wfl.aic-tobi(administrator).1948 It seems that the files get locked somehow. If I delete the file and the folder, it takes several seconds and the update is done. Has anybody done the same thing and got it to work? If yes I would be very glad for a short hint! Thanks in advance, Tobi