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I saw that you already posted this question on the list. Did someone answer? I have no knowledge myself. The only authoritative answer would be from Tony I guess but he has been absent from the list for a week or so (vacation maybe). In any case my guess is that it does not matter much in the general case since the tags are just another small piece of text inside the RCS file anyway. Open a RCS file in an editor and look for yourself. All tags on tha file are collected up front in the file and can easily be passed over for non-tag operations. One of our files start out like this with about 80 tags (not thousands of course): head 1.221; access; symbols Rel-WSMDB-1-2-109-20041221:1.204 release_measured: demodb: Branch_Issue9: Rel-WSMDB-1-2-91-20041008:1.179 BeforeUnicodeConversion:1.178 xml_language: Beta-WSMDB-1-2-90-20040929:1.176 Rel-WSMDB-1-1-88-20041021:1.175 branch_linkedtools: Rel-WSMDB-1-1-82-20040624:1.174 Beta-WSMDB-1-1-82-20040621:1.174 JobParam_Branch: Beta-WSMDB-1-1-81-20040607:1.171 MultiPallet_Modifications: Before_Branch_MPSiemensRPC_MPCharmilles:1.169 MPSiemensRPC_MPCharmilles: Rel-WSMDB-1-1-79-20040513:1.168 Rel-WSMDB-1-1-78-20040513:1.167 Rel-WSMDB-1-1-77-20040505:1.164 jap_conversion: Rel-WSMDB-1-1-73-20040312:1.161 WSMDB_March_2004_Release: MP_Configuration: Config21: Rel-WSMDB-1-1-68-20040116:1.157 Rel-WSMDB-1-0-64-20031208:1.156 Rel-WSMDB-1-0-63-20031205:1.155 Rel-WSMDB-1-0-62-20031205:1.153 Rel-WSMDB-1-0-59-20031128:1.149 AfterMerging_CellServerSupport:1.147 BeforeMerging_CellServerSupport:1.146 Rel-WSMDB-1-0-57-20031120:1.147 CellServerSupport: Beta-WSMDB-1-0-52-20030920:1.134 Rel-WSMDB-1-0-50-20030822:1.128 Rel-WSMDB-1-0-49-20030808:1.125 Rel-WSMDB-1-0-46-20030601:1.118 Rel-WSMDB-1-0-44-20030506:1.108 Rel-WSMDB-1-0-43-20030430:1.107 Rel-WSMDB-1-0-42-20030423:1.102 Rel-WSMDB-1-0-41-20030407:1.99 Rel-WSMDB-1-0-40-20030306:1.98 Rel-WSMDB-1-0-38-20030120:1.93 Rel-WSMDB-1-0-37-20021129:1.83 Rel-WSMDB-1-0-36-20021128:1.82 Rel-WSMDB-1-0-35-20021125:1.79 End_EasyRunGeneral_branch: AfterMerge_EasyRunGeneral_branch:1.68 BeforeMerge_EasyRunGeneral_branch:1.67 Rel-WSMDB-1-0-32-20021108:1.66 Rel-WSMDB-1-0-31-20021107:1.66 Rel-WSMDB-1-0-30-20021004:1.60 Before_EasyRunGeneral_branch:1.48 Ver1-0-29:1.52 Ver1-0-28:1.51 EasyRunGeneral: Ver1-0-27:1.47 Ver1-0-26:1.46 Ver1-0-25:1.42 Ver1-0-24:1.40 Ver1-0-23:1.37 Ver1-0-22:1.31 Ver1-0-21:1.30 Ver1-0-20:1.29 Ver1-0-19:1.28 Ver1-0-18:1.27 Ver1-0-17:1.26 Ver1-0-16:1.25 Ver1-0-12:1.21 Ver1-0-11:1.20 Ver1-0-10:1.19 Ver1-0-9:1.17 Dev1-0-5:1.11 start: jaho:1.1.1; locks; strict; comment @# @; 1.221 date 2005.; author janh; state Exp; -----Original Message----- From: Kevin Mills [mailto:Kevin.Mills at] Sent: den 22 februari 2005 12:47 To: Bo Berglund Subject: CVS Tagging Hi, Do you happen to know what effect thousands of tags has on CVS'performance (if any)? Is there any "limit" or recommended tagging style/frequency to keep performance under control? Thanks.