[cvsnt] Re: Conrtol Panel will not open

D. Mahakian tmoli42 at gmx.net
Mon Oct 3 04:21:00 BST 2005

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I too am having the same problem with Control Panel with 
(upgraded from 2.5.01.something). It will not open when selecting from 
the Start Menu. However, it will work if you right click on the actual 
(not shortcut) .cpl file in the installed directory and select "Open 
with Control Panel" (Don't have it open in front of me so wording may be 
off slightly. Running on Win2k3.

- D. Mahakian

Tony Hoyle wrote:

> SkorPiun wrote:
>> I am hoping to use this as just a way to keep version control for my
>> personal projects. I used to have this set up on a Linux machine, but
>> it kept crashing and I had to keep rebuilding it. I am by no means a
> Linux is pretty resilient normally... is this the same box?  Have you 
> run memtest86 to check the hardware, etc.?
>> Linux guru, which is probably why I had so much trouble. So I am
>> hoping to set up something simple on Windows, which I am unfortunately
>> a little bit more versed on using.
> It should work fine.. especially running it from its own directory 
> (which removes any potential issues with paths).
> I can only guess that there's some setting on the XP box that's 
> stopping it running..  Have you possibly set a group policy to stop 
> control panel applets running?  Or possibly installed an Antivirus 
> package that interferes with it?
> Tony
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