[cvsnt] directory_history misses tags because created to late

Robert.SCHEIBER at groupit.raiffeisen.at Robert.SCHEIBER at groupit.raiffeisen.at
Tue Apr 11 12:36:20 BST 2006

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I experience the following problem:

I have a file A, all files in the repo have been tagged REL1, afterwards i
rename file A to B.
When I now check out REL1 i get B instead of A. This messes with build

The Problem seems to be, that .directory_history,v is being created on the
first rename. So it misses all tags prior its creation.
And as CVS doenst know that there should be used the old name, it uses the
new name.

I cope with the problem by doing "cvs rtag -r 1.2 <tag>
<path>/directory_history" after renaming, but this would have to be done
with all tags and all dirs.

How can I trigger the creation of all directory_history without renaming
any files?

Regards, Robert.

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