[cvsnt] viewvc repecting cvsnt's ACLs

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Wed Mar 7 21:23:07 GMT 2007

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Thanks for re-posting.

There are others in this forum who regularly use ViewVC so I'll leave them to answer your question.

However about 6 months ago the CVSNT project "forked" and a new project started called "EVS" (enterprise versioning system).  The goal of this is to create an open platform for CM/SCM - it has integrated web based functions such as browsing the repository.  Since it's integrated into the EVS engine it DOES respect the ACLs.  

A new beta of evs is due soon ( the current one doesn't have the web functions, but I have seen them demonstrated in Madrid about 5 weeks ago ).  Long term EVS will be your solution I think.  

Short term I'll leave it for the ViewVC users to answer.


Arthur Barrett

-----Original Message-----
From: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org] On Behalf Of jurgen.depicker at let.be
Sent: Thursday, 8 March 2007 7:53 AM
To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: [cvsnt] viewvc repecting cvsnt's ACLs

Dear all, 
Is there anyone out there who knows how to solve this problem: 
I set up security on my ubuntu cvs server using cvsnt's acls.  But of 
course (or at least: of course to me...) viewvc (or viewcvs) doesn't care 
about my ACLs.  Anyone any ideas about how to solve this? 
I read something about an apache module authenticating against 
/etc/shadow.  But then I would need to set up everywhere .htaccess files 
based on the fileatr.xml files of cvsnt.  So it must be possible to do 
this with a script ruinning via a cron job.   But it seems like a big 
headache.  Maybe one of you knows about a more elegant solution? 
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