[cvsnt] CVSNT Extremly slow on Vista

Anders Stenkvist slaska at home.se
Mon Oct 1 17:52:03 BST 2007

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Update: The difference in speed was not due to rebooting configurations but 
due to running cvs with
the ethernet cable disconnected (since I was without a 

Soo question is why is performance slow when having an IP address and 
running pserver locally?
(and fast when doing the same without IP). DNS lookups?


"Anders Stenkvist" <slaska at home.se> wrote in message 
news:fdr5lt$692$1 at paris.nodomain.org...
> Yes sever and client is the same. Arguments was taken from Tortoise and 
> was executed in dos window. I will
> check the performance list to see what can be found.
> Thanks
> /Anders
> "Arthur Barrett" <arthur.barrett at march-hare.com> wrote in message 
> news:mailman.145.1191191590.24527.cvsnt at cvsnt.org...
> Anders,
>> * I've disabled my virusscan for the CVS repository and all "Project"
>> directories"
>> * Running
>> C:\Projects\PicProj\ISO2\user>"C:\Program
>> Files\TortoiseCVS\cvs.exe" -ttt
>> update -p -r 1.21 user.c
>> gives a quick log and then the 1,21 version is printed to
>> screen which takes
>> about two minutes!!!!
> Is the server the same PC as the client?  If not then the disk has very
> little to do here, since the -p directs the output to stdout.  Check the
> location of "temp" for virus scanning, and if not it looks like a
> network connectivity issue, you could try disabling the firewall on the
> client to see if that affects it...
> There is a list floating around about how to diagnose performance
> problems.  We've used the command line client on Vista here a lot over
> the past year or so and I can't remember seeing any particularly poor
> performance...
> Regards,
> Arthur 

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