[cvsnt] keyword dollar sign collision with variable

Boris Smirnov boris.smirnov at gmail.com
Tue Oct 2 20:53:33 BST 2007

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"Tony Hoyle" <tony.hoyle at march-hare.com 
<mailto:tony.hoyle at march-hare.com>> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:fdu3ki$nng$1 at paris.nodomain.org...
 > Boris Smirnov wrote:
 >> Hallo,
 >> I'm using a keyword substitution in my files that I'm developing.
 >> Problem is that the program that uses my files has already $ dollar 
 >> reserved for variables and always waits for a variable name after $. So
 >> when I have keyword $Log$ it brings a lot of error messages saying that
 >> Log is not a variable and it was no variable found after second $ sign.
 >> I can avoid it by adding "\" before the $ sign but that works only for
 >> first substitution. After that the second "\" was replaced and exists
 >> not anymore.
 >> Is there a workaround ?
 >> Thanks for every help.
 > Any language will allow you to put the keywords in comments eg.
 > /* $Log$ */
 > btw. I'd avoid $Log as it creates merging problems.
 > Tony

Hi, thanks for the tip.

For my programming language it does not matter if it's in comment or 
not, it's only looking for the $ signs. :)
It's a macro language for a special programm that we use. So comment 
will not help, I already tried. I'm wondering if there could be another 

 > btw. I'd avoid $Log as it creates merging problems.
And what it then other way of writting the commit message (comment ) to 
the file?

Thanx a lot.

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