[cvsnt] reg: login error

Shivendra_Vishal Shivendra_Vishal at satyam.com
Tue Apr 21 07:44:26 BST 2009

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I tried just setting cvsroot(with sspi protocol) and executing a checkout operation without login however CVS gave error " cvs [checkout aborted]: Error reading from server cscsbilifecvs: -1: Unknown err". As soon as I logged in and again tried the checkout operation the error vanished. However once logged in after that even if I closed my command prompt then also CVS gave no error and the checkout operation was completed successfully. So probably once login is needed when you start your session for getting connected to server and thereafter its not required. Any comments?

Best Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org] On Behalf Of Tony Hoyle
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2009 6:57 PM
To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org cvsnt downloads at march-hare.com @CVSNT on Twitter CVSNT on Facebook
Subject: Re: [cvsnt] reg: login error

Shivendra_Vishal wrote:
> Dear All,
> I'm setting CVSROOT and trying to login to cvs as follows, however CVS is not allowing me to login and gives an error "cvs [login aborted]: The :local: protocol does not support the login command".
> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>set cvsroot=:sspi:cscsbilifecvs\administrator at cscsbilifecvs:/scm_test

SSPI almost never needs login (there are some special cases but most
users won't see these), and doesn't need the username if you're not
logging in as a different user.

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