[cvsnt] Conversion of a TAG INTO BRANCH

Risman, Mark Mark.Risman at mlb.com
Wed Jul 15 16:40:45 BST 2009

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Does the new tag need to have the same name as the old tag? If not you
should be able to run:

	 cvs tag -r <<older tag name>> -b <<new branch tag name>> 

If the names need to be the same, you can do something similar by

	cvs tag -r <<older tag name>> <<temporary tag name>>
	cvs tag -d <<older tag name>>
	cvs tag -r <<temporary tag name>> -b <<older tag name>>
	cvs tag -d <<temporary tag name>>    <--- just to clean things

Note that this second approach will temporarily disable access to your
original tag name, because you're deleting it in the second step and
then recreating it in the third step.

You probably want to try this out in a test repository, or make a copy
of your actual repository files and test on those, just to ensure it all
works first.

Hope this helps,
- Mark

-----Original Message-----
From: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org] On Behalf
Of nitesh bansal
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 8:25 AM
To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org cvsnt downloads at march-hare.com @CVSNT on Twitter CVSNT on Facebook
Subject: [cvsnt] Conversion of a TAG INTO BRANCH

Hi All,

I am maintaining my source code using CVS 1.12.11, i am using CVS tags
mark every change in the code.I have a requirement that  i need to make
changes in an older tag and assign a new tag to the new code.I think,
this, i need to convert this tag into a branch.Kindly suggest me the
way to convert my tag into a branch.

Thanks in advance,

Best Regards,

Nitesh Bansal,

Software Engineer,

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