[cvsnt] SCC plugin for CVSNT?

Gerhard Fiedler lists at connectionbrazil.com
Sun May 3 23:10:46 BST 2009

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Bo Berglund wrote:

> After some Googling I realized that there is no point in trying to
> integrate CVSNT with SCC, really. One loses too many of the good
> features of CVSNT to make it worth the effort. I will make the
> developers use a separate CVS client GUI instead (Tortoise or
> WinCvs).

FWIW, I use the PushOK plugin (not free). I find this integration useful
in that it cvs-edits files automatically when I start editing them, and
I can use the IDE's project feature (which groups files into projects,
which not always are also separated in different directories) to see
which files are modified and to commit files.

It's not a replacement for something like WinCvs (or the command line
:), but a sometimes convenient addition.

I don't use it with remote repos. I find the response times too long;
they interrupt my work flow when repo accesses happen automatically.

Also note that the advantages depend on the IDE and how it uses the


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