[evs] Branching on commit, merge documentation

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Wed Sep 12 14:23:00 BST 2007

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> Also, what if at the time of the merge of bugid 2 the work on bugid 3 was
> not yet completed and in the end depends on a revision "1.8 Bug 3"? The
> merge of bugid 2 includes then some incomplete and possibly only half
> working bugid 3. How do you deal with this? The way Arthur describes
> working with bugids, this must be quite normal.

The choice to use an "unreserved" CM process guarentees this (with or 
without using bug ids).  If there are business drivers that require avoiding 
this then this is a perfect illustration of when "unreserved" is not 
suitable.  In reality there are only a couple of situations that this really 
does occur.

eg: a customer of ours is implementing CVS Suite specifically because their 
customers are switching to a competing software product because they 
currently have to deliver their patches in "bundles" and the competitor will 
deliver patches individually.  The customers find that the patch bundles 
requires "too much" retesting/revalidating for them when they only want one 
or two of the patches for themselves.  Since customers are leaving this has 
board level visibility and the additional costs of producing the bug fixes 
when the work must be serialised in a "reserved" process is considerably 
less cost than that of losing customers it's a no brainer for them...



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